Thursday, October 24, 2013

3 Super Tips To Prevent An Eczema Outbreak

Since there is no cure for eczema, treatment usually involves preventative measures. This means discovering ways to avoid triggers that may result in an eczema outbreak and ways to manage or alleviate various resulting symptoms.

 1. Prevent eczema by moisturizing your skin. There are many moisturizers available for eczema prone skin that should be used at least twice a day (morning and night), or even more frequently should it be required. Strictly avoid scented moisturizers or those containing alcohol and remember that cream base moisturizers are thicker than lotion moisturizers. Also avoid the newly manufactured scented body butters because they are not good for individuals suffering from eczema. Some good moisturizers to help you prevent eczema include Aquaphor, Alpha Keri, Curel, Eucerin, Moisturel, and Lubriderm.

 Soaps dehydrate the skin; so do not indulge in long soaks in the bathtub. Hot water showers are equally bad for the same reason. If you take hot water showers, do not stand to long under the stream. After your bath do not rub your body but gently pat it with a soft washcloth or bath sponge. For extremely sensitive skin use a soap cleanser like the ones made by Neutrogena or Dove or try Cetaphil, a non-soap cleanser. Apply the moisturizer immediately while your skin is still damp, it will be more readily absorbed by your pores.

 2. Prevent eczema through stress management, One of the biggest reasons for a sudden flaring of eczema is stress so you should be very proactive about either reducing or alleviating negative stress from your day to day routine. Do not stay isolated but try to stay in the company of people that are understanding and tolerant of what you are going through.

Discuss your problems with your close friends and confidantes. If you do not have family or friends close enough to talk your heart out to, you can always join support groups which contain like minded people who already understand and appreciate what you are going through. One of the more helpful support groups is the National Eczema Association for Science and Education (NEASE).

 3. Prevent eczema from worsening by not scratching. Admittedly, scratching is not something that everyone can control easily. One precaution you can take is to cut your fingernails short. Long and sharp edged nails can easily cause tear damage to skin that is already sore and swollen. Furthermore, scratching and eczema affected area can cause the eczema to worsen into a serious condition because of other viral or bacterial infections.
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Eczema Myths That You Should Know About

It is clear that many have little idea bout the skin condition, eczema, other than from some of the myths that they have heard. Learning more about this skin condition helps eczema sufferers by lending your support and increasing your empathy toward them.

This article shares on some of the common myths about eczema that you should know about. Eczema is not contagious. This first myth is one that can emotionally harm the patients who have eczema. Those with severe eczema tend to get ostracized, if not shunned. Eczema is not pretty, but that does not mean that you should stay away from someone who has it.

Eczema has been found in some cases to have a hereditary link and to be related to allergens or irritants in the environment that the the patient breathes in. Treat an eczema sufferer in the same way as you would anyone else. They are not different from you; they just simply have a skin condition. The second myth is that outbreaks of eczema are emotionally connected. The second myth is that eczema is contagious and the third myth is that eczema can be cured easily with a simple tube or corticosteroids.

All of these are not true and have no scientific basis. Now we are going to look at each one of these myths and dispel them. The third myth that we are going to dispel concerns the fact that some people think that eczema is brought on by being overly emotional or having an emotional disorder.

This is not true. Stress can play a role in your flare-ups of eczema or make it worse, but it is not the sole cause of eczema. Nevertheless, it is important to try to find ways to relieve your stress so that you can assist prevent major flare-ups of eczema. Take time for yourself every day by reading a book, learning to meditate, drinking a cup of tea, or taking a yoga class.

Whatever it takes to make yourself relax is what you should try to do. Your eczema can be controlled, but learning to relieve your stress will be a major part of controlling your skin condition. The fourth myth that needs to be dispelled concerns the idea that eczema can be easily cured with topical corticosteroids.

This is not as simple as they claim. Some viral infections that come along with eczema can be cured by using corticosteroids or an antibiotic cream, but eczema is not as simple to cure as that. Eczema does not have a cure. To treat eczema, there are ways to manage the triggers however.

 Eczema sufferers are just like everyone else. Do not treat them any differently nor pull away from them. If you understand more about eczema, they can get a chance of being well and happy.
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How To Care For Your Eczema Inflicted Hands

It is important if you have eczema on your hands, to keep them well moisturized and do your best to avoid anything that could irritate your skin. This is not always a simple task as there are many daily household items that can potentially cause a reaction. However, avoiding irritants to the best of your ability will keep red, swollen, itchy and cracked skin at bay.

 Many products in your home and workplace contain substances that can irritate sensitive skin. Some of these products include, but are not limited to detergents, household cleaners, air fresheners or sprays, soap, cosmetic products, perfume, aftershave lotion, turpentine, gasoline, pain stripper and other solvents and a variety of chemicals.

 The more often you are in contact with these items, the more likely your skin is likely to break out in eczema. In addition, touching water too much and washing them excessively with soap can dry up your skin much faster. Hence, you should always dry your hands thoroughly should they get wet and that includes between the fingers as well.

Ensure that all soap residue are rinsed away before you dry your hands off. If you do not know which substance will irritate your skin, then prevention is better than cure. If you need to do housework, then it is best to wear a pair of vinyl or plastic gloves that fit properly at work or at home. The more you protect your hands, the least likely a full blown eczema will happen. It is also a good idea to wear a pair of thin cotton gloves under a pair of plastic gloves.

The cotton gloves are meant to soak up your sweat. In between tasks, take off both pairs of gloves and air your hands. This prevents too much sweat from building up in the gloves, which can trigger a flare-up of eczema. Wear a pair of regular gloves whenever you step outside during the winter months. The low humidity can dry out your hands and cause irritation.

 When you choose a skin care product for your hands, select a very basic moisturizer, with no alcohol or fragrance in it. Also choose one that is more on the greasy side as opposed to the creamy side. Regular petroleum jelly is an excellent choice for hands, whether it is a brand name like Vaseline or a generic form. Another excellent hand cream for eczema skin is Eucerin 5% Urea Hand Cream which has a light texture and is both free of fragrance and color.

This moisturizer is suitable for everyday use and cuts down on the tightness of skin that plagues some eczema sufferers. I personally like to use an emollient Aqueous Cream for my hands and legs. As I work by the PC, I like to keep one jar by my side. You should always moisturize your hands a few times daily. Moisturizers keep the skin supple and hydrated and prevent it from cracking. Well-moisturized skin does not age as quickly either.
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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Best Kept Secret Eczema Solution

I Love to speak to you about the eczema solution. There are a lot of people that suffer from this problem. I used to have it for several years before I ever worked out how to resolve the problem. If you are unknown with it, it leaves a dry reddish surface area on your skin. It can be really itchy and occasionally very irritated. I had it on my cheek right below my eyes and on my brow.

It gave this really ugly look to the skin that I did not wish people to see. After years of not acknowledging what to do about it, I discovered a solution that worked great. I am going to share with you the eczema solution. Among the most common things folks inquire me about my condition is "why do not you just go to a doctor and get it fixed conclusively?" My answer is simply, "I already have".

The Best Homemade Eczema Solution Revealed!

I did go to my doctor and he did analysed the reddish pique on my face only to conclude that it was not eczema. He told me to get a particular cream and it never worked. The eczema solution is truly simple. Most people think it's a topical solution that requires creams, but it really isn't. You need to get more dietary fat into your diet, essentially the fatty acids (EFA).

I started to take some tablespoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil daily and after about a week my eczema was virtually gone. I had eczema for years and usual medications didn't help. After I found about natural remedies to cure eczema, the disease disappeared in a month. My skin has been healthy ever since.
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